
出身国: メキシコ
担当言語: 英語・スペイン語


• Marvel マーベル
• Wrestling レスリング
• UFC fighting UFC ファイティング

My Story(英語)

Hi everyone,

My name is Gabriel from Mexico. I was born in a beautiful city called Cancun, which is located in the Caribbean sea. Since a young age I had the opportunity to study in Mexico and the U.S., making me fluent in both English and Spanish.

Contrary to a lot of people who come to Japan and are knowledgeable about the culture, I did not know much of Japan, with the exception of a few popular animes and MMA events. However, at the age of 18 I was invited by one of my best friends (who is Japanese) to come and stay for a month. It was such a great experience that it made me look forward to definitely come back.

My work background relates to tourism working at resorts, travel agencies and even as a dolphin trainer. However, I was looking for a change in jobs when the opportunity to come to Japan showed up; and here I am. It took me some time to get used to the way of life here, but now I have fully adapted to the culture and customs, while still learning the language and enjoying every single moment.


My Story(日本語)

名前はガブリエルです。 メキシコ出身です。 英語とスペイン語も話せます。 同僚の多くは、日本に来たときにすでに多くのことを知っていましたが、僕は何も知りませんでした. 18 歳のときに来て、多くのすばらしい発見をしました。まだまだ色々習いたいので、日本の文化のことを教えてください!

