
出身国: イギリス
担当言語: 英語


• TWICE (K-pop group) TWICE (KPOPアイドル)
• Ghost (Nightclub in Osaka) Ghost 大阪のナイトクラブ
• Guardians of the Galaxy (Movie) ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー(映画)

My Story(英語)

Hello, my name is Alex and I am from the United Kingdom. Why am I in Japan you ask? I wanted to go out and explore a place that is vastly different from my normal.

There is a lot to see in Japan, lots to explore and many different kinds of people to meet. I want to help students to learn English to give them the opportunity to travel to English-speaking countries with more ease and comfortability, but can also easily communicate with the hordes of tourists that are eagerly coming to Japan.

I have a strong interest in Japanese history and culture, despite the great distance you can find some uncanny similarities in British History. I have also had a strong interest in Anime and manga from an early age, before I even knew its origin.


My Story(日本語)




