
出身国: アメリカ
担当言語: 英語

My Story(英語)

Hello everyone! I’m Travis and I’m from Boston, Massachusetts in America. While growing up, I’ve always had a huge interest in Japan. Whether it be Japanese culture, anime or food, I loved it all. It was always a dream of mine to one day move to Japan. I’m so happy that I finally found my chance to make it happen.

I’m living in Kyoto and some people may ask me why. The simple answer is that I really enjoy nature. Mountains, trees, rivers. I love outdoor activities and I love to swim in Hozugawa River in the summer and love cliff jumping too!

My hobby is producing music. I make Chillhop which is relaxing hiphop which you can study or relax to. You can listen while you’re studying your English.

I really enjoy living in Japan and teaching English. It’s an awesome opportunity to speak with such interesting Japanese people and help them achieve their learning goals. I really look forward to seeing you in my classes and having great conversations together.



My Story(日本語)

こんにちは、みんな! 私はトラビスです。 マサチューセッツ州ボストンの出身です。 とにかく自然が大好きで、山、木、川… そのすべてが大好きですよ! 夏は保津川でよく泳ぎます。 クリフジャンプというアウトドアスポーツも時々します。レッスンでお会いできるのを本当に楽しみにしています!おすすめのアウトドアを教えてください!いつも新しいハイクやキャンプの場所を探しています。日本のアウトドアは本当に最高です!!!
